Updating Results

Chevron Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Chevron Australia Videos

Day in the life of a Chevron intern

Have you ever wondered what a typical day looks like for one of our Chevron interns? Follow Shirlee, one of our engineering interns around for a day to find out more!

AU March Job & Internship Super Fair 2022 | Employer Pitch - Chevron

Watch this employer pitch from the Mining, Oil & Gas stream to hear from Chevron representatives on how to succeed in the industry.

Chevron Australia's new headquarters

In April 2023, all Perth based Chevron employees move into their new headquarters located in Elizabeth Quay.

Onslow Microgrid

The Chevron-operated Wheatstone Project is helping provide access to affordable, reliable, ever-cleaner energy in the community of Onslow

The Story of Gorgon

The development of the Gorgon Project – one of the world’s largest natural gas Projects and the largest single-resource development in Australia’s history

Chevron Aboriginal Cadetship Program - Cody

Meet Cody, a first-year Engineering student and graduate of Chevron's 12-week Aboriginal Cadetship Program.

Chevron Aboriginal Cadetship Program - Paris

Meet Paris, a Commerce student majoring in Human Resources and graduate of Chevron's 12-week Aboriginal Cadetship Program.

Chevron Aboriginal Cadetship Program - Jedd

Meet Jedd, a Master's student in Mechanical Engineering and graduate of Chevron's 12-week Aboriginal Cadetship Program.