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Woodside Energy

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

UQ - 2018/19 Woodside Summer Vacation Program Opportunities - Job Ready Skills and Meet the Team!

Event expired

Event Details

Wed 25 Jul 2018, 11:00pm
Thu 26 Jul 2018, 1:00am
Time Zone
UQ, Terrace Room - Level 6 - Sir Llew Edwards Building (Building No 14)

Come along to learn about Woodside's 2018/19 Summer Vacation Program opportunities and hear from the team about how to submit a standout application and job seeking skills. You will also have the opportunity to hear from current Drilling & Completions, Geomatics and Health, Safety, Environment & Quality employees who will share their own experiences about working day to day in their fields, and answer any questions you may have.